New Beginnings at the Crask

This afternoon Bishop Mark led a celebration of beginnings, for four lovely people at the Crask.

For Shane and Mack, the beginning was their installation as joint wardens of the Crask. +Mark spoke about their ministry of hospitality and their twin vocations to this ministry and to their family, making space for both.

For their children Sammy and Rosie, the beginning was baptism into the life of Christ and a start of their Christian journey of faith.

A sizeable congregation gathered to join in the celebration (including a number of friends from their former home congregation in Alabama) and after a beautiful and uplifting service there were of course lovely refreshments and the chance to meet and talk together, as their always is at the Crask.

Cosy Crask Carols and Fellowship

This afternoon at the Crask we sang carols and heard Bible readings, poetry and stories, all followed with lovely seasonal foods and fellowship. Thanks Kai, Mike, Shane, Mack and John for making it such a lovely occasion and to all those who came and sang and read – it was won-der-ful.

New Hosts at the Crask Inn

We are all delighted to welcome Shane and Mack Sieweke and their two young children Sammy (four and a half) and Rosie (two and a half), not to mention their Tibetan Mastiff Maggie, as the new hosts at the Crask Inn.

They arrived on Wednesday 14th June hotfoot from Alabama on the other side of the Atlantic and took part in their first Eucharist at the Crask the following day. For their first few weeks they have been working alongside Douglas and Denise, learning the ropes as they gradually take over the reins.

Douglas and Denise have been the proprietors for nearly five and a half years (including two difficult covid years) and as was their original intention, they are moving on to new ventures and we all wish them well in whatever that turns out to be.

So if you haven’t been up to the Crask for a while, then maybe you might want to head out there at some time over the summer and introduce yourself and meet Maggie (who is gorgeous).

The next Thursday lunchtime Eucharist will be on Thursday 20th July at Noon, the service will be followed by a light lunch as usual – all are welcome.

Crask Wedding

Yesterday it was a joy to see Iain and Vivienne married at the Crask on a day when we probably saw all four seasons in the space of a few hours.

This was the second wedding to take place since the Crask became a church, the first being in February 2018.

Another Crask First

+Mark with Matthew (and his wee friend)

Saturday was ‘Friends Day’ at The Crask. It started with a Eucharist during which +Mark Confirmed Matthew, who had apparently been dodging it for about 20 years:-).

The service was as always followed by lots of good food and fellowship. Thank you +Mark and of course Douglas and Denise.


Friends arrived in a variety of vehicles!!

This month’s Thursday Service will be on September 15th at Noon and after lunch, to mark the Season of Creation, there will be a service of Stations of Creation around the grounds.

All are very welcome.

Transfiguration Activity Day

On August 6th our young episcopalians celebrated The Transfiguration with a day full of crafts, games, den building and other activities at St Trolla’s Church at The Crask Inn. We learned about the story of The Transfiguration of Jesus and explored what the story was saying about Him. Special thanks to Beatrice, Elizabeth and Peter who came along to help us. Take a look at the gallery below to see what we got up to!

Crask Newsletter – July 2022

The last Crask Newsletter was in February 2020, just one month before the Covid pandemic was announced.

This Crask Newsletter provides an update on the two years of challenges and opportunities since then.

One particular event that you may be interested in is the

Friends afternoon tea
Saturday 3rd September

You are all warmly welcome.

There will be a service at 1 pm followed by Afternoon tea and

if anyone wishes to stay on for a buffet (£18 / head) and music night.

For catering reasons please let us know if you can attend

The Crask is Back

Today, on the Feast of Ninian of Whithorn, the 3rd Thursday noon service at the Crask restarted – and a joyous occasion it was too. We offered praise for creation and the congregation of sixteen were in fine voice accompanied by Mike on the keyboard. Afterwards as usual, we shared lunch together.

A huge thank you to Douglas and Denise, hosting us a couple of hours before they set off on holiday, and to Michael, John and Mike. It really was good to be back.

The intention is to hold services on 3rd Thursday of each month whilst conditions allow. Because numbers are restricted, there is a booking system in place – please contact James if you wish to attend one of these services.